Just years after World War I, Germany and other nations are in an economic depression. It was on syndication in the United States on the Military Channel. The show covers the Western Front, Eastern Front, North African Campaign and the Pacific War.
The series is in full colour, combining both original and colourized footage. Shalltear and Albedo start bickering.World War II in Colour is a 13-episode British television docuseries recounting the major events of World War II narrated by Robert Powell. Lupusregina states that Sebas' heart may have been in chaos, but he is desperately trying to hold himself together, though the others doubt it.Īinz interviews Shalltear in his room, accompanied by CZ and (uninvited) Albedo.

He also points out that Sebas was not exposed last time, and nothing happened to him. When Ainz orders them to act casually, he senses that Yuri is still traumatized from last time. Narberal points out that it has no effects on the Pleiades Maids for some reason. Ainz states that the item has an effect that makes them open their heart and agrees with Demiurge's explanation that this is an experiment to show how they act when affected by a mental condition.Īinz orders the Pleiades to help him to watch over the Guardians, who have been affected by the "Total Maniac-Modified". Upon activation, Shalltear becomes a self-loathing person, Cocytus starts saying perverted things openly, Demiurge starts adding weird random words to his sentences, and Aura and Mare act more childishly. Transcription: " Pure Pure Pureadesu – Nazarikku Saidai no Kiki" ( Japanese: ぷれぷれぷれあです – なざりっく最大の危機)Īinz summons the Floor Guardians (except Gargantua and Victim) and Pleiades Combat Maids and shows them the item "Total Maniac-Modified", which Yuri points out has the power to destroy the world. "Ple Ple Pleiades – Nazarick's Greatest Crisis" Transcription: " Mekkoku no Majo" ( Japanese: 滅国の魔女) Transcription: " Ōto Shinkō" ( Japanese: 王都侵攻) Transcription: " Harimegurasaseta Wana" ( Japanese: 張り巡らされた罠) Transcription: " Saigo no Ō" ( Japanese: 最後の王) Transcription: " Metsubō e no Hajimari" ( Japanese: 滅亡への始まり) Transcription: " Keisangai no Itte" ( Japanese: 計算外の一手) Transcription: " Shimo no Ryūō" ( Japanese: 霜の竜王) Transcription: " Semarikuru Kiki" ( Japanese: 迫りくる危機) Transcription: " Dowāfu no Kuni o Motomete" ( Japanese: ドワーフの国を求めて) Transcription: " Bōryaku no Tōchisha" ( Japanese: 謀略の統治者) Transcription: " Baharusu Teikoku" ( Japanese: バハルス帝国) Transcription: " Ri Esutīze Ōkoku" ( Japanese: リ・エスティーゼ王国) Transcription: " Dai Gyakusatsu" ( Japanese: 大虐殺) Transcription: " Mōhitotsu no Tatakai" ( Japanese: もう一つの戦い) Transcription: " Sensō Junbi" ( Japanese: 戦争準備) Transcription: " Hitonigiri no Kibō" ( Japanese: 一握りの希望) Transcription: " Kumo ni Karame Rareru-chō" ( Japanese: 蜘蛛に絡められる蝶) Transcription: " Shide~e no Sasoi" ( Japanese: 死出への誘い) Transcription: " Futari no Shidō-sha" ( Japanese: 二人の指導者) Transcription: " Higashi no Kyojin, Nishi no Maja" ( Japanese: 東の巨人、西の魔蛇) "Giant of the East, Demon Snake of the West" Transcription: " Enri no Gekidō Katsu Awatadashī Hibi" ( Japanese: エンリの激動かつ慌ただしい日々) Transcription: " Karune-mura Futatabi" ( Japanese: カルネ村再び) Transcription: " Shihaisha no Yūutsu" ( Japanese: 支配者の憂鬱) Transcription: " Saikyō Saikō no Kirifuda" ( Japanese: 最強最高の切り札) Transcription: " Dōran Saishū Kessen" ( Japanese: 動乱最終決戦) Transcription: " Yarudabaoto" ( Japanese: ヤルダバオト) Transcription: " Ōto Dōran Joshō" ( Japanese: 王都動乱序章) "Disturbance Begins in the Royal Capital" Transcription: " Mai Agaru Hi no ko" ( Japanese: 舞い上がる火の粉)

Transcription: " Shōnen no Omoi" ( Japanese: 少年の思い) Transcription: " Aoi no Bara" ( Japanese: 蒼の薔薇) Transcription: " Hirou mono, Hirowa reru mono" ( Japanese: 拾う者、拾われる者) "Those who pick up, Those who are picked up" Transcription: " Hyōketsu no Bushin" ( Japanese: 氷結の武神) Transcription: " Shi no Gunzei" ( Japanese: 死の軍勢) Transcription: " Tsudou, Rizādoman" ( Japanese: 集う、蜥蜴人) Transcription: " Tabidachi" ( Japanese: 旅立ち) Transcription: " Zetsubō no Makuake" ( Japanese: 絶望の幕開け) Transcription: " Senketsu no ikusaotome" ( Japanese: 鮮血の戦乙女) Transcription: " Konran to haaku" ( Japanese: 混乱と把握) Transcription: " Shikkoku no senshi" ( Japanese: 漆黒の戦士) Transcription: " Shi o kirisaku sōken" ( Japanese: 死を切り裂く双剣) Transcription: " Mori no ken-ō" ( Japanese: 森の賢王) Transcription: " Futari no bōken-sha" ( Japanese: 二人の冒険者) Transcription: " Shi no shihai-sha" ( Japanese: 死の支配者) Transcription: " Karune-mura no tatakai" ( Japanese: カルネ村の戦い) Transcription: " Kaisō shugo-sha" ( Japanese: 階層守護者) Transcription: " Owari to Hajimari" ( Japanese: 終わりと始まり)